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Join us today and drive the change transforming a vision into built reality.

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Bank-transfer KBC bank

C-re-aid VZW (change research architecture innovation design)

IBAN: BE19 7390 1100 091


*please indicate “Jubilant School” 
as donation description.


Jubilant Tree School will be possible with the financial contribution of  donors and partners.


Your support gives us the means to transform our visions into built realities. 


This is an opportunity for a meaningful long term relationship.

A laboratory for innovation in the field of participatory design and sustainable construction methods.


Please get it in touch with us to find out how we can contribute to build a sustainable future together.




We have developed an outline plan that can be subdivided in 3 PHASES.
This will ensure the construction of a
functional and complete portion of the building  at the end of each phase,

ready to be used by the kids of Jubilant.

It will deliver sustainable goals while being part of a larger holistic plan.


Help us fundraising for the first phase of Jubilant School!

Phase 1

The first construction phase will give the priority to the most important parts of the building:


  • School Module A1 - Classroom block 1

  • School Module A2 - Sanitary block

This will allow for a functional first part of the building, ready to be used by the kids of Jubilant.


Building Cost - 32.000 €

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Phase 2

The second phase will involve the construction of:


  • School Module A1 - Classroom block 2

  • School Module A1 - Classroom block 3


This will allow for the whole Jubilant school to be fully operative within the new building.


Building Cost - 25.000 €

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phase 3

The third and final phase will involve the construction of:


  • School Module A3 - Complementary block

  • Pavilion Module B1 - Community Hall


The new school will open its doors to the wider community, creating meaningful spaces for meetings and events.


Building Cost - 28.000 €

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